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Saturday, 10 September 2016

Sat 10 Sep - Annual General Meeting

Venue: The Queens Hotel, Ambleside, Cumbria, LA22 9BU
Start time: 5.30 pm


1.Apologies for absence

2. Election of officers
Chair (*)
Secretary (*)
Membership secretary (*)
Treasurer (*)
Walks co-ordinator
“Without portfolio” officers
(*) = mandatory positions

3. Treasurer’s report
Accounts up to 31st August 2016
Anticipated funds for next year
Use of funds

4. Membership update
Number of paid-up members

5.Attendance at walks
Walks update
Summary of activities since last AGM
Walk leaders and availability
Programme for next year

6. Discussion of events & socials

7. Date of AGM 2017

8. Any other business
Please email if you would like to discuss anything further.

I hope to see you there

Suzanne Gates

Club Secretary

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