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Monday, 27 May 2013

Mon 27 May - Afternoon walk - High Knott

High Knott - 5 miles, 620 ft ascent - grade leisurely to moderate
Meet at Ullthwaite Bridge (on road between Staveley and Kentmere) 2pm 
Much of this walk is on good footpaths and bridlepaths and includes good views of the Kentmere horseshoe.  We pass close to High Knott/Williamson's Memorial and the remains of an ancient British Settlement.  The stile to High Knott is passable but tricky.  
We leave Ullthwaite Bridge walking south passing Browfoot farm and then over fields.  North along the bridleway for two miles crossing Park Beck via stepping stones.  South downhill passing woodland and a disused cottage and back to Ullthwaite Bridge.  This walk is in Wainwright's 'The Outlying Fells of Lakeland' pages 18-21.  
There is only space for a few cars at Ullthwaite Bridge so please share if possible.  Please let me know if you are coming 07796 162828.  Sarah. 

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