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Sunday, 21 June 2009

Sun 21st June - Dale Head, Hindscarth & Robinson

Sun 21st June - Dale Head, Hindscarth & Robinson

A lovely walk in the Newlands valley, including ascents of Maiden Moor, High Spy, Dale Head, Hindscarth and Robinson. Fairly long but nothing too technical (just a short scramble down Robinson).

Distance : Approx. 10 miles
Ascent: Approx. 1000m
Grade 3
Time : About 6 hours
Car Share : Meet at Kendal Morrisons at 9:00am (without leader)

Walk Start : 10:00 at small car park on the left just down the hill through Little Town, OL4 GR NY 233194.

Leader: Vicky 07835 416262

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